Nativity Scenes

The Christmas feast with a hand carved crib is only so beautiful. In the Christian faith, the Advent season represents the waiting for the birth of the Savior on Christmas Eve. For a long time, this waiting has been symbolized in many families, especially among children, by setting up a crib. The wooden cribs we offer to you consist of the stable house where the history of Christmas was over 2000 years ago. We also offer you the accompanying figures, like the Virgin, Joseph, the donkey and the ox. Also the little Jesuskind will be placed in his place on Christmas Eve to show that God’s Son has seen the light of the world.

You are now in the mood to revive this old and wonderful Christmas life in your family and are looking for a high-quality wooden crib? Then look at our section Cribs and choose between complete sets for cribs or between precious cribs. If you only need figures for your crib, we also offer you beautiful hand carved individual figures, which complement your crib again wonderfully. For example, we will present the herdsmen with three sheep, the Three Kings, the peasant group, the camel driver and many other beautiful Christmas figures.

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